Technology, Technology, Technology

Technology is born from the seeds of innovation. Innovation is what has pushed society as a whole forward, growing on old ideas, or creating new ones. When looking at technology or innovation and how it has progressed society forward, I instantly turn to the Internet. Captivating and mind blowing when it first came into the public eye, and to this day everything we do is with the help of the internet. Without the internet school is canceled, debit cards don’t work, and our phones are nearly useless. It has become our crutch. 

I think our relationship with technology isn’t healthy at all. We as a society cannot function without the help of the internet. Being born in the 2000’s I’ve always grown up with the internet, and an online presence. As it’s been stated, For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. With that, we have seen massive repercussions in society since the rise of the internet. Cyberbullying, Ghosting, and Revenge Porn are just a few negative reactions that have been “side effects” of cyberspace. 25 years ago no one would’ve never thought that cyberbullying could take place but thanks to social media it has allowed for actions like this to take place. Research shows that nearly 35% of all children undergo some form of cyberbullying. 

Although this seems like I’m endlessly trashing the internet it really has been a massive benefit for us. Social Media has changed the way we consume news, sports, and our daily lives. For better or for worse it has made news instantaneous. As the event is taking place hundreds of thousands of people can tune in and give their two cents on it. Although this has been massively beneficial it has to lead to a new era of media, “fake news”. Allowing everyone to voice their opinions can lead to accounts creating fake information and news, to trick people into thinking its reality, thus leading to disinformation being spread like wildfire. 

Lastly, I want to speak about my relationship with technology because I feel as if many can relate to me. I love the aspect that social media presents. I would say I spend way too much time connected to technology. I can safely say I do not remember the last time I was completely disconnected from technology for more than a few hours, even when I sleep. 

Here’s what’s in my daily routine of technology. 

As far as I can remember these are the essential items I use on a daily basis for going about my everyday life. When one of them isn’t working or is lagging behind it instantly bothers me. This made me realize that although I love technology and think it’s some of the coolest stuff in the world, my relationship with it is truly unhealthy.



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