Privacy, Privacy, Privacy!

    Growing up as a “Gen Z” the thought of my information being public on the internet is something that has truly never scared me. Since we grew up at the same time that technology was rapidly evolving the thought of an Amazon Alexa or Facebook's privacy agreements is something that has gone completely over my head. Throughout the Ted Talk that Juan Enriquez presents, he has many interesting quotes and topics stick out. One that caught my attention was “15 minutes of anonymous”. The saying goes that everyone will get their 15 minutes of fame at some point in their lives but maybe that isn't the goal anymore. Maybe it's the 15 minutes of privacy. Maybe it's the few minutes after your child is born and now that baby is shared across the internet so that Joe and Sally can like the picture of your new kid. The moment that picture is shared on the internet you have tattooed them onto this unseeable and forever ending cloud. Your information stays on the internet forever. Although Facebook introduced the face recognition feature as an upgrade to your everyday life it now shows the true power behind the platform. Even when I’m not friends with someone on Facebook my picture will show up and i'll get a tag that says “hey someone has a picture of you”. That in itself is INSANE, instantly you are linked to your profile and all the public or private information available on it. The power of social media and technology is rapidly evolving, and now there is nearly nothing we can do to remove that tattoo of ourselves on the internet. 



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