The Success of the iPhone

 Since 2007 Steve Jobs and the team at Apple were one of the pioneers of innovating and pushing phone technology forward. In 2007 when Apple unveiled the iPhone it was so foreign and criticized that many thought it would never work. Who would want to type on a screen rather than actual keys? As of March 2019, Statista believes that 193 million iPhones are in the hands of consumers just in America. This foreign idea paid off. 

When the iPhone was launched they sold 1.39 million units worldwide while still using a Samsung processor. It wasn't until 2009 that Apple developed their own processor rather than taping into a competitor's supply. Four years after the first launch Apple had their first true change. Squared sides rather than the larger rounded ones. This forced third parties to create new products just for this phone alone. The outcome? A Staggering 40 Million units were sold. Up nearly 20 million since the previous year. It was a resounding success. Then in 2012 Apple chose to move away from the clunky 30pin adapter and moved to a new, and thinner design the Lighting Port. This is still the main use of charging for most Apple Products. Nothing was more innovative than their design in 2013. The introduction of Touch-ID. Allowing for users to access apps, their wallet, and their phone faster than ever. 

Since the iPhone 5s Apple has released a new version of the tech every year. Most recently with the introduction of the iPhone 12. This phone goes back to the basics of the squared edges rather than the rounded ones. Apple is pushing the market forward. Forcing their competitors to become more creative, ultimately giving consumers a larger and better selection of tech. 

Apple Insider Tips Historic iPhone 12 Event



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