The War on Journalists and are two websites I can safely say I have never heard of. Just from the homepages both clearly present the ideas and ideologies against wars and violence overseas. ANTIWAR is much more grab your attention with the red text, and bolded headlines. But as the prompt states, sites like these commonly fly under the radar. Rarely will you watch the news and see anything speaking out against the military or war. Why is that?

Covering war is a fine line to walk. You want to cover the reports and facts fairly while still being accurate. But at the same time not cross the line that could lead to ending or exposing a campaign for the military. More often then not Journalists or Media organizations are censored about foreign affairs. (Kathrine Graham) For journalists, this should not be a problem. You should report as accurately as you can. As a nation, we need to stay out of trouble and not be acting in crimes that would look bad to the citizens of this nation. Journalists should not be worried about punishments or the livelihood of their career because they are simply doing their job correctly and fairly. Unfortunately, this won't change for years to come. The government will be there to say that this is to “protect the troops”, which it is more than likely true, but if a Journalist finds accurate information about the nations involvement in foreign affairs, he or she should be allowed to report on it in whatever way they would like.



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